
Presidential Mayhem

I figured I've got time for politics. They don't interest me much. Therefore, I know pretty much just two things about the Presidential Election 2008 - McCain, an old, white-haired old man in his seventies, is the Republican nominee, and Obama, the first serious African-American candidate for U.S. President, is the Democratic nominee.

Oh, and one more thing (this now makes three) - McCain loves using celebrity to take Obama down. First there was the Britney/Paris ad, in which the senator compared the Democrat to some pop stars we all know too well. Now, Obama has "dreamy eyes", as said by some of his followers featured in another ad. McCain. Seriously? What, are you jealous?

We all know the purpose of McCain's tv spots - bring down Obama by attacking his best attributes, the almost celebrity-like following for the man Democrats seem to love. I'm sure the interviews and articles in People and Elle have aided his image.

But McCain, how is bringing down the opponent like this any satisfaction for us, the voters? If Obama, as you say, would not make an acceptable President, then what? Should we simply settle for the other guy?

McCain, instead of attacking your opponent, market yourself. Tell us why we should vote for you, not why we shouldn't vote for the other guy.

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