
Toronto, my love

A little smidgen of Toronto, for visual pleasure:

got it at: http://www.professional-events.com/UDE/SpecialEvents/SJC/Toronto.jpg
So, adding on to my last post uhh, a few seconds ago, I am in fact in Toronto. I love love love it (it is my birthplace after all), but I think that many other places would please me as much when compared to being so cooped up in Houston. You see, Houston is a great city (...I guess...) withmany opportunities .... job and education wise, but socially, its one tough cookie - especially sans car. Everything is so spread out that without transportation (just a few more months - damn you permits), you're close to being a prisoner in your own home. And also, even with transportation, Houston is not even close to being comparable to the almighty Toronto. I really like it - there are many different areas like Kensington Market (Rasta man!), China Village (Gooci or Channell anyone?) or the many other places that are great to visit. With all its villages and neighborhoods, as well as the skyscraper-filled downtown, I often think of Toronto as the Canadian New York. Which I love, as well. I think I have a thing with walking long distances in metropolitan cities. Really. Everywhere I go, I am the first one to accept walking as opposed to simply taking a streetcar, bus, or subway (ahhh public transportation! How I've been deprived).

My [many] accounts of Toronto are yet to come. Stay tuned! :]

OH OH sidenote: Along with Toronto, I will also be in QUEBEC CITY for Canada Day weekend! woot woot. I am quite excited, I've been wanting to go for the longest longest time and finallyget to go. More to come on that! French everywhere - perfect!

1 comment:

ES said...

Wahoo, Toronto! It's my birthplace, too. =) I'm glad you like it. :D
Love your blog, btw. It's so colourful!!! Great work!