
English Essay

My new English teachers that knows how to write and expects the same of us. We have to write an self-reflective essay: using poems or song lyrics, describe who you are as a reader.

I find it an interesting prompt, probably my favorite out of the bunch over my many years in English classes.

But can I say that it scares? I have long been thinking about myself - who I am, what I like; thinking. I know what I like and why things happen and I analyze my surroudings. I think I know. But here I am, supposed to release these thoughts from their safe harbor within my mind. I have always wanted to have those thought out there - like the good kid in kindergarten, I want to share. I want to release. For long I have yearned to find a partner with whom to share and give and exchange; with whom I could be in thought-bursting bliss. But am I ready? Even more, it is so much easier to simply say something. There is the possibility of rewording, of correcting, of analyzing the reaction and reacting accordingly. There is the possibility of even seeing a reaction; of rewriting the scene in my mind, changing the unfavorable details of the occurrence to please myself. Self-denial. Sort of. Redrawing. Better word.

Yet on paper, these thoughts and opinions and my person are eternalized. There is no turning back. There is only a "This is Me". Period.

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